Thursday, September 05, 2024

Weekend Plans

Dear Readers,

It’s Friday and the end of the week! So happy that we’ve made it this far! It’s been another busy, busy week for me in terms of school and my part-time day job. I haven’t had much extra time. Sorry for the lack of update last week,

I’ve been working on writing my next full-length book and have gotten about three and a half chapters in. I love the way the beginning of the story is shaping up and I’m exciting to introduce you to yet another set of characters and new world. Once I’m further along, I’ll have some more information to share, but as it currently stands, the setting and characters are still in their infancy and have a long way to go.

My tennis novella, “A Game of Small Victories” has a cover in production and I hope to be able to have a description and the cover reveal to share with you in two to three weeks. I’m working on adding a few more scenes before I send it off for another beta read and round of edits.

“The Great Austen Adventure” and “For the Love of Dinosaurs” are going to be coming out of hibernation this week. I’ll be working on adjusting a the last chapter before sending them one by one off for a final polish. I’ve decided not to do a pre-order for “The Great Austen Adventure” when it’s ready, it will be put back into KU and be available for sale at a discounted rate. I should have information on the pre-order next week. Stay tuned.

Hope you have a great week.


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