Friday, October 18, 2024

Off to the Beta Readers

Dear Readers,

Happy Friday! We made it to the end of the week! I’m thrilled to be able to take a much needed mental break and be able to work on (hopefully) a new Lego set I picked up. The Lego Botanicals collection to be exact. Plants as Legos…notice any themes?

The first draft of Nora’s story has been completed and sent off to two of my lovely beta readers. I hope to have it back next week before it takes a trip to the editor’s computer. We’re at 69,000 words, but I think it still may grow a tiny bit more. There are two areas of the story I’d like to build up a bit more.

You will love Lucas and Nora. They are two of my absolute favorite characters ever that have popped out of my head. I’ll have more news about a cover and tentative release date in late February.

Looking ahead…my intention was to perhaps start a tennis themed short story, but actually, Nora’s sister has started speaking to me. perhaps we’ll get a story about Lucia? Stay turned. I’ll be updating my 2023 release calendar soon.

Have a great rest of your week.



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