Friday, March 14, 2025

Frequently Asked Questions

How Is Your Name Pronounced?

Tomi is pronounced as Toh-me or Toe-mi.

How Long Have You Been Writing?

Tomi penned her first novel in 2020, but has been dreaming up stories since she was a little girl.

How Did You Learn So Much About Ballet?

As a child, Tomi and her family attended a performance of The Nutcracker each holiday season. Watching the dancers being able to balance on the tips of their toes fascinated her. Although she begged her parents for lessons, they were always too expensive.

After graduating college and starting her first full-time job, Tomi found a local studio which offered adult ballet lessons. She signed herself up and was hooked. Through the adult ballet community, Tomi has made many friends and acquaintances. She’s chosen to incorporate what she’s learned into her writing.

What Advice Would You Give a New Author?

In her own words: “Write a story and characters that you want to read. If you love it, in the end, that’s all that matters. One shouldn’t seek to publish a book with hopes of making a ton of money. The truth of the matter is that you will likely lose money. Also know that while it can be so difficult to put yourself out there. Not everyone will care for your writing or your story. You will receive negative reviews and criticisms, but don’t let that get you down. Once you have that first reader that loves you book, it’s one of the most satisfying feelings you will ever have.”

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