Saturday, December 07, 2024

Updates to the Plot

Dear Readers,

I hope you’re doing well. Happy Saturday to you all.

I should be receiving my manuscript back from its first round of edits this upcoming week. I’m exciting to dive into it.

However. . . with that in mind, I have made the decision to make changes to the plot of “The Great Austen Adventure” so that the story will line up with its sequel. After its Kindle Unlimited term is over, the book will be unpublished, revised, and republished with a revised plot and new cover.

I don’t have a date or further information yet, just stay tuned to my newsletter and to this blog. I’ll make some announcements once I have time to sort through the changes that need to be made.

It’s been tough to make a decision, but my characters Nora and Lucas have grown so much from how I originally envisioned them and their story has become one of the most favorite ones I’ve written yet. I know you will love them too once you are introduced to them.

My tennis short story still does not have a title yet, but I will be turning my gaze to it this weekend. I have about two and a quarter chapters written now. The outline needing some adjusting, but rest assured Grace and Raoul are on their way to you. Look for them in mid summer.

Until next week.



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