Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Fall Updates

Dear Readers,

I hope you’re doing well. Can you believe we are into fall?

I apologize for the lack of updates as of recently. I’ve started a new part-time job and it’s been eating up so much of my time recently. Additionally, I’ve also started the next phase of my grad school journey. While it’s incredibly exciting, it’s also been stressful.

Have you ever felt like an imposter? Like you wonder if you’re good enough to fit in? Or measure up to someone’s expectations? It’s easy to say…”oh, I won’t compare myself to the other people in my cohort”, but I think no matter what, we do it anyway.

The last few weeks, I’ve started to be able to work through m grad school imposter syndrome, there isn’t really another method I could think of other than to just keep researching and moving forward.

I haven’t had as much time to devote to my writing, but now that things are settling down, I finally feel like I can crank out another story.

Sorry for going so off topic. This is what happens when I just decide to hold a conversation on paper.

Here’s what you came here for…to hear what my updates are…well, I’m pleased to say that
“The Rules of the Rink” has been complete for a while and is being proofread. I’ve set the release for December 12.

I’m also having “Dancing With a Royal” edited and the new cover being finalized. I’m really happy with how the revised story has turned out. It’s going to tie in directly to “The Rules of the Rink.”

As for my next book…I’ve started on a new story, but I’m not sure where it’s going to lead. I’m going to take the next few weeks to decide if it’ll end up being a novel or a novella.

Updates on this blog will likely come slower. I only have 1-2 hours a day I can devote to my author business and a lot of that means taking care of administrative duties or writing a couple hundred words in the manuscript. I’ll do my best to update when I can, but if you want regular updates, subscribe to my newsletter. That’ll have the most info, along with giveaways.

In the meantime, stay well.


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